Sajna Space: a blog about curiosity.

  • 8 Ds in problem-solving

    8 Ds in problem-solving

    When things go south It’s Friday evening. You get an automated text message. “URGENT: Production outage detected! Error 503: Service Unavailable at endpoint /api/prd/payments. Immediate attention required!” When you look at the screen and try to compose yourself, you get another “Boss… I was testing the latest patch on tst env. Can’t connect to db.tst.payments.…

  • Product Manager’s Toolbox

    Product Manager’s Toolbox

    Here is a quick round-up of useful product management tools.  Leveraged Neutral Overhead  Categorize tasks into three buckets:  You’ll make more impact when you can do more leveraged and less overhead work. Obvious but worth reminding.  The 5 Questions of Product Management  Use these questions to guide what you should do:  Now, Next, Later When…

  • Disillusionment and Enlightenment

    Disillusionment and Enlightenment

    Introduction In the dynamic world of technology, the concept of the hype cycle has emerged as a critical tool for understanding the maturity, adoption, and application of specific technologies. The hype cycle, a graphical representation of the life cycle stages a technology goes through from conception to maturity and widespread adoption, serves as a strategic…

  • Communicated quality

    Communicated quality

    Introduction Hello, my name is Krzysztof Sajna, and I am an Engineering Manager at CodiLime. With many years of experience working with multicultural teams, I’ve had the privilege of leading diverse groups of talented individuals for a variety of customers, each with their unique cultural settings. From startups to large corporations, I’ve navigated the complexities…

  • The Future of Search: Conversational AI and the Evolution of User Experience

    The Future of Search: Conversational AI and the Evolution of User Experience

    Introduction In the digital age, search engines have become the gatekeepers of information, guiding us through the vast expanse of the internet. Traditional search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo have long relied on keyword-based queries, with users inputting specific terms to find the information they need. These search engines have become increasingly sophisticated, using…

  • Prompting – how I do it

    Prompting – how I do it

    Mastering AI tools can be a challenging task. At the onset, I was under the impression that simply feeding the AI straightforward commands would yield desired results. However, what seems ‘simple’ to me may not necessarily translate as such for the AI, and vice versa. Take, for instance, when I requested an AI tool to…

  • Mastering the Balance: Stoicism and Empathy in Project Management

    Mastering the Balance: Stoicism and Empathy in Project Management

    Mastering the Balance: Stoicism and Empathy in Project Management Navigating the intricate web of project management can often seem like a Herculean task. Amidst the myriad of responsibilities, I’ve found a surprising yet profound ally: Stoicism, the ancient philosophy centered on peace of mind and virtuous living. As an unexpected source of wisdom, Stoicism has…

  • AI regulations – fear and actions

    AI regulations – fear and actions

    The fear There are several key concerns regarding the widespread availability and use of AI tools in both the EU and the USA, reflecting the profound impact AI has on various aspects of society: To boil it down: someone stupid will do something very harmful. In essence, fears revolve around potential misuse of AI for…

  • Loose thoughts on AI 4 managers

    Loose thoughts on AI 4 managers

    Ok… here we are… I’m excited to share that I’ve successfully pieced together a Proof of Concept (PoC) capable of pulling data from various sources like Trello, email, and Slack. It’s designed to help streamline and automate responses for incoming direct messages (DMs). It’s far from flawless, and at this stage, it’s merely functional, but…

  • No time?- adjust priorities

    No time?- adjust priorities

    I recently had time to share my thoughts about finding time in a tight life schedule. Generally speaking, I discovered that I have time for everything. It’s priorities I got wrong. Or in some cases wanted too much. Imagine this. I nagged that I have no time to write about all the exciting things I…